Hernia Repair Surgery

Acquaint Yourself With These 4 Different Types Of Hernia

A hernia is an abnormal bulge in the affected area that occurs when the organ or fatty tissues comes out through a weak muscle opening. Hernias are painful and if left unaddressed or untreated can become serious and dangerous (a hernia can strangulate and even burst that leads to grave consequences).

Hernia repair surgery is the ultimate and preferable hernia treatment by the doctors. Most people are not familiar with the different types of hernia. So, we thought to acquaint you with 4 different hernia types for your awareness.

Here are different and common types of hernia

1. Inguinal Hernia

In case of inguinal hernia, a part of the intestine exists through a weak opening in the abdominal muscles. Some symptoms of inguinal hernia are as follows:

  • Pain in the groin area while coughing and lifting anything

  • A visible bulge in the groin area

  • Swollen and painful scrotum or testicles in men.

2. Incisional Hernia

Incisional Hernia occurs due to an unhealed surgical wound of abdominal surgery. The symptoms of an incisional hernia include:

  • Redness and swelling in the bulge

  • Constipation

  • Nausea and vomiting.

3. Umbilical Hernia

This type of hernia is commonly found in new-born babies but that does not mean adults do not encounter umbilical hernia at all. An umbilical hernia is formed in the belly button due to protrusion of an organ or fatty tissues. A few symptoms related to this hernia are as shown below:

  • Painful and discoloured bulge

  • Fever

  • Vomiting

  • Pain in the abdomen.

4. Hiatal Hernia

If the upper part of your stomach exits from its assigned spot and enters into the chest cavity, then it’s known as a hiatal hernia. A hiatal hernia happens due to various reasons like injury or certain surgeries, obesity, old age and abnormal hiatus. The symptoms of hiatal hernia are the following:

  • Difficulty swallowing food
  • Acid reflux
  • Regurgitation or vomiting
  • Chest pain
  • Abdominal pain
  • Constant belching or burping
  • Vomiting blood
  • Black stools.

There are many more types of hernia but these 4 types are quite common. A hernia cannot be left on its own and should be taken seriously. We offer general and laparoscopic hernia treatment to our patients with this condition. We are one of the best hospitals in Kolkata due to our perfect infrastructure, expert medical team and the latest facilities.