Let’s Learn About Different Vitamins And Their Importance In Our Body

For a healthy body, we need an adequate amount of carbohydrates, protein, good fats, vitamins and minerals. There are different kind of vitamins that perform different functions in our body. Today, ILS Hospitals, one of the best hospitals in Kolkata and Agartala, will enlighten you about different vitamins and their importance in the human body.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is crucial for healthy vision and preventing night blindness. This vitamin also helps in fostering cell development, healthy bones and teeth. Vitamin A ensures good reproductive health and allows the other organs like kidney, heart and lungs to function properly.

Best food sources: Eggs, fish, carrots, dairy products, spinach, pumpkin etc.

Vitamin B

Vitamin B helps in the body’s metabolism and cell development. There are different types of vitamin B, each performing their own functions. Let’s talk about a few here.

Vitamin B9 (Folic Acid or Folate)Vitamin B9 converts food into energy and is vital for pregnant women to help prevent congenital defects. Folate can be derived from natural food sources (eggs, fish, beans, peas and so on) while folic acid, being a synthetic form is consumed in the form of pills.

Biotin (also called Vitamin B7, B8 and Vitamin H): Biotin maintains the body’s metabolism and improves the health of skin, hair, and nails. Best food sources for biotin are egg yolks, soybeans and fish, sweet potatoes, chicken liver, whole grains, etc.

Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin): Vitamin B12 helps in the formation of red blood cells, DNA, RNA and myelin. This vitamin prevents congenital defects, memory loss and depression.

Best food sources:  Vitamin B12 is present in almost all animal products, like eggs, milk, seafood, and meat.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C repairs the body tissues and strengthens the immune system. It fosters the wound healing process and protects cells from any damage.

Best food sources: All citrus fruits, cauliflower, capsicum, papaya etc.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D ensures healthy bones by allowing the body to absorb calcium, maintains phosphorus levels in the blood and reduces depression.

Best food sources: Egg yolks, cod liver oil, fatty fishes, mushrooms, milk and milk products. 

Vitamin E

Vitamin E prevents cell damage, heart diseases and inflammation. It is best for promoting good vision, healthy hair and skin.

Best food sources: Almonds, peanuts, walnuts, olive oil, sunflower oil, dried apricots etc.

Vitamin K

Vitamin K helps in blood clotting, prevents osteoporosis, tooth decay and certain diseases.

Best food sources: Soybeans, egg yolks, chicken, cabbage, spinach and pumpkin.

We hope you found this blog informative. Hospitals in Agartala and Kolkata  is always available to give you good medical service.

Follow These Hygiene Tips To Avoid The Spread Of Infections

Due to the pandemic, Covid-19, many nations across the globe were badly affected to the core. Covid-19 taught us one thing, which is to maintain good hygiene at all times.

By maintaining proper hygiene, we can prevent the transmission of deadly viral and bacterial infections. Keeping that in mind, ILS Hospitals will explain you some hygiene tips that you must follow to prevent infections.

Follow these hygiene tips to avoid the spread of infections:

Maintain good personal hygiene: Personal hygiene is foremost important. Brush and floss your teeth daily. Take a bath or shower with soap every day. Wash your hair once or twice a week. Due to summer season, you might have to shower twice a day because of excessive perspiration. Wear clean clothes and undergarments daily. Females should take note of their menstrual hygiene as well by changing the sanitary products from time to time.

Wash your hands at all times: There are millions of germs in our hands which are totally invisible to the human eyes. We do a lot of work with our hands so it’s essential to keep them clean. Wash your hands for 15-20 seconds with clear water and liquid soap after using the washroom, before and after eating, after coming from outside, and whenever your hands get dirty.

Live in a clean environment: Keep our surroundings clean. Clean your house daily. Throw the trash in the garbage bin. Do not forget to keep your washrooms hygienic.

Use tissue paper while coughing and sneezing: Always cough or sneeze on a disposable tissue paper. It is always best to wear a face mask while going outside if you have encountered flu so that you avoid transmitting the infection to others.

Do not share your personal items with anyone: Avoid sharing your personal items, like toothbrush, tongue cleaner, razor, comb, nail clippers, clothes, undergarments, innerwear, cosmetics, makeup brushes, soap, loofah and so on with others.

Do not touch your eyes, nose and mouth with uncleaned hands: If your hands are unwashed, you can easily pass on the germs inside your body by simply touching your eyes, nose and mouth. Never do that and we will say again, keep washing hands.

Always carry a hand sanitizer with you: Whenever you’re going outside, always carry a 70% alcohol containing hand sanitizer with you to be hygienic at all times.

Our several hospital units take essential care for hygiene. If you visit our hospital units in Kolkata and Agartala, you would not have to worry about cleanliness. Visit ILS Hospitals, one of the best hospitals in Kolkata and Agartala for medical emergency.

How To Stay Physically Fit If You Are On Home Quarantine

Coronavirus acquainted us with a new term, home quarantine. Being quarantined at home does not mean you can’t stay fit and healthy.

Today, ILS Hospitals, multispeciality hospital in Agartala and Kolkata, will share some ways through which you can stay physically fit if you cannot do outside activities or visit the gym.

Practice Yoga: Yoga is also a way to stay physically and mentally healthy. Practice Yoga poses or asanas at home regularly. All you need are a yoga mat and a sheer determination to stay fit.

Do non-equipment exercises: It’s better to do something than nothing. So do exercises that do not need any machines. If you already have a treadmill, exercise bike or swiss ball at home, feel free to use it during this period.

Do chair exercises: We all have chairs in our houses. Did you know there are versatile uses of a simple chair? Indulge yourself in chair exercises for a healthy body.

Do skipping: Skipping is not only reserved for children but adults can do it too. If you have a skipping rope at home, make the most of it.

Do stretching: Stretching is by far the easiest form of exercise. Stretching relaxes your muscles and improves your body posture. It does not require any additional equipment and benefits the body and mind just like any normal exercise.

Do household chores: Many Indian houses use hired help for their domestic work. During your time of home quarantine, give leaves to your maid and do the household chores on your own to stay active and healthy.

Resume dancing: If your hobby was dancing but due to shortage of time you could not invest enough time in it, well now is the right time. Dancing is also a form of exercise that makes you cheerful and keeps you in good shape.

Play games: Time to revive your childhood! If you have a big balcony or terrace, then play games, like kho kho, hide and seek, badminton, etc. It will not only make you happy but will also ensure that your body is getting the exercise it needs. Remember to follow social distancing and use gloves and mask while playing with other family members.

ILS Hospitals, one of the multispeciality hospitals in Kolkata and Agartala wishes you good health. Always stay safe and keep washing your hands.

Home Quarantine Taking A Toll On Your Mental Health? Learn Ways To Cope

People are told to be home-quarantined for various reasons. Sometimes it might be to avoid the transmission of an epidemic or pandemic or sometimes due to any surgery, illness or injury. Being home-quarantined for several days can take a massive toll on your mental health as well.

Your mental health is as important as your physical well-being. So, ILS Hospitals will tell you some ways through which you can protect your mental health during the distressing time.

Let’s learn about them now.

Practice your hobby:

We all have hobbies that we cannot do many times because of our hectic daily schedules. Now’s the perfect time to indulge yourself in activities that you love the most. Read, write, cook, sing, paint, sew, knit, dance, play or do whatever you cherish the most indoor because doing what you enjoy and it has amazing effects on your brain.

Take good care of yourself:

If you’re healthy from inside, it will show on outside. Eat a healthy diet, drink plenty of water and get a good night sleep to take good care of your body and mind.

Organize your home:

An empty mind is the devil’s workshop. Do household chores and organize your home and garden to keep yourself occupied.

Learn something new:

The internal structure of our brain changes when it learns something new. You can watch informative documentaries online or on TV and can even learn a new art or craft by taking online lessons at home.

Communicate with people:

Humans are social beings so not being able to socially interact with others can hamper your mental health. If for some reasons, you are prohibited to go outside, make use of digital communication to connect with your loved ones.

Spend time with your family:

We often forget to spend quality time with our own family. To improve your mental well-being, talk to your family members about your concerns and be a good listener when they are doing the same.

Spend time with your pets:

Your pets are like your family members. They too deserve your love and affection. Pets are going to be your real stress-busters. Play with your pets and let them know how much they mean to you.

For any medical treatment, visit ILS Hospitals in hospitals In Kolkata and hospitals in Agartala

On This World Health Day, Follow These Simple Tips To Stay Healthy

Health is indeed wealth. A person who takes good care of his or her health is always happy and healthy. On World Health Day, ILS Hospitals, the best hospital in Agartala and Kolkata will give you some simple and useful health tips so that you are always in fine fettle.

Let’s take a look at some useful health tips.

  • Eat healthy food: How can good health start without eating nutritious food? You are what you eat so feed your body with nothing but healthy food. Every individual’s daily requirements are different as per their lifestyle and body. So consider visiting a dietitian to get your customised diet chart and say yes to good health.
  • Keep your body perfectly hydrated: Our body is made up of 60% water. The human body needs water to perform essential bodily functions so being well-hydrated is a strict health-rule that everyone must follow. Since it’s summer season, apart from plain water, you can drink fruit-infused water, refreshing coconut water, fresh fruit juices and even consume fruits with high-water content (watermelon, cucumber, sweet lime, etc).
  • Stay active: In our modern lifestyle, staying active has become really difficult. Still, you should try to take some time out of your sedentary lifestyle and devote half an hour for exercise or yoga regularly. Try to do household chores on your own to stay active and fit instead of hiring a domestic helper.
  • Maintain good hygiene: Practicing good hygiene ensures that we stay away from deadly and disease-causing bacteria and viruses. Brush, have a proper bowel movement and take a bath daily. Always wear clean clothes and keep your surroundings clean. Wash your hands at all times with a good soap and water. Females should take extra hygiene measures during their monthly menstrual periods.
  • Get 8 hours of sleep every night: Your body needs rest to renew itself. Take 8-9 hours of sleep every night to strengthen your immune system.
  • Get an annual health check-up: If we do not get ourselves tested, we would never know what’s happening inside our bodies. Get annual health check-ups from an expert medical practitioner.

We hope you follow these basic health tips. If you need any sort of medical diagnosis and treatment, visit ILS Hospitals, one of the best hospital in Kolkata and Agartala.

How To Boost Your Immunity To Fight Against Virus Or Any Infection

A weak immune system makes us susceptible to seasonal flu or infections. If you become sick throughout the year then it’s an indication that you do not have a good immune system.

Since none of us wants to spend our days staying sick, ILS Hospitals, the multispeciality hospitals in Agartala and Kolkata would like to acquaint you with ways through which you can have a strong immune system.

Let’s look at the ways without any delay.

  • Consume immune-boosting foods: Eat plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables, poultry, seafood, nuts, etc for a healthy immune system. Include spices, like ginger, garlic, turmeric, cinnamon, black pepper, cloves in your meals to keep yourself away from flu.
  • Drink more water: Water flushes out toxins and impurities from your body so keep drinking water every hour to have a healthy immune system.
  • Avoid certain food and drinks: Try to avoid the consumption of processed and canned foods, junk foods, sugary foods, caffeinated and alcoholic beverages as all of them harm the immune system.
  • Get sufficient sleep: Not getting enough sleep will make you more vulnerable to seasonal colds and infections. Therefore, get enough sleep every night without fail.
  • Exercise regularly: Doing moderate exercises regularly prepares your body to actively fight against infections. Reserve 20-30 minutes of the day for your exercise regime to have an excellent immune system.
  • Get enough sunlight: Sunlight is an extraordinary source of vitamin D. Studies suggest that people who spent enough time in the sun fell less sick than the ones who never received enough sunglight. Even soaking for 5 to 10 minutes in the sun daily during the summer season is more than enough for your immune system.
  • Avoid stress: Stress hampers both our mental and physical health. Chronic stress has a huge impact on your body’s immunity so avoid living in a stressful environment.
  • Stop smoking: Smoking affects the body’s ability to fight with diseases and infections by killing healthy cells of the body. Hence, quit smoking, right now.
  • Take multi-vitamin supplements if needed: If your regular diet lacks essential vitamins then consider taking multi-vitamins to keep up with the body’s vitamin requirements.

Visit a medical professional and ask him or her for prescriptive multi-vitamin supplements as per your body’s daily needs.

You can visit ILS Hospitals, one of the best hospitals in Kolkata and Agartala to get medical advice.

How To Take Care Of Your Health If You Are A Woman

Dear women, you are an important part of our society. As a woman, your health and mental well-being is supreme.

ILS Hospitals, one of the best hospitals in Kolkata, would like to present some health tips every woman should follow for a healthy body and mind.

1. Eat a healthy diet:

We’ve heard this almost all the time because it’s a true fact. Women should include fruits, vegetables, leafy greens, poultry, seafood, dairy products, dry fruits, legumes, lentils and so on in their diet.

2. Stay hydrated:

Drinking water is unavoidable. Apart from drinking adequate water, you should also have healthy soups, juices, lassi, buttermilk, smoothies and so on. Milk is something all women must include in their daily routine. Have a glass of milk every night to get the dose of calcium and prevent insomnia.

3. Be physically active:

In a busy schedule, it’s difficult for some people to visit the gym and do other physical activities. However, being physically active is not difficult. Even a 10-minute-walk to your nearest park or maidan can help your body and mind. Try walking, running, yoga and even doing household chores for a fit body.

4. Abandon your bad habits:

Bad habits are hard to break but with determination and strong support system there’s a chance of quitting them forever. Some common bad habits are:

  • Smoking

  • Drug and alcohol abuse

  • Being unhygienic

  • Undereating or overeating

  • Consuming unhealthy and outside food

  • Constantly stressing over things

  • Being negative

  • Addiction to smartphones and other gadgets.

So, say goodbye to your bad habits!

5. Practice proper hygiene:

Maintaining hygiene has been taught to us from our school days. Here are some simple personal and feminine hygiene tips for all girls and women:

  • Brush and floss twice a day

  • Shower or bath once a day

  • Clean your vagina with warm water

  • Wash hands frequently

  • Wash your face at least twice a day

  • Shampoo and condition your hair once or twice a week

  • Keep your nails trimmed and tidy

  • Wear clean underwear and clothes

  • Change your sanitary products frequently

  • Live in a clean and hygienic environment.

6. Visit a medical professional regularly:

As a woman, gynaecologist is going to be your best friend. Visit a good gynaecologist and raise your concerns regarding your health. You should also ask the gynaecologist about multivitamin supplements and breast self-examination.

7. Be positive:

A positive mind is a healthy and happy mind. Do not take stress unnecessarily. Love and care for the ones around you and get the same in return. Stress and anxiety are called silent killers, avoid them completely. Seek professional therapy if you find yourself unable to deal with your current situation.

You can always visit ILS Hospitals in Kolkata and Agartala whenever needed. Our entire hospital team is there to help and support you.

Your Complete Guide On Thyroid

The thyroid is an endocrine gland located in the neck and it resembles the shape of a butterfly.

It secretes thyroid hormones responsible for stimulating metabolism, growth, development and determining the body temperature. An excess or dearth of thyroid hormones result in various thyroid disorders.

Today, ILS Hospitals would discuss some common health-conditions related to the thyroid gland in detail.


Goitre is an abnormal swelling of your thyroid gland. It happens due to iodine deficiency or due to thyroid inflammation. Some symptoms of goitre are as follows:

  • Swelling in the neck

  • Breathing difficulties

  • Difficulty in swallowing

  • Coughing.

Sometimes, medication and surgery are recommended for large goitres.


In Hypothyroidism or Hypoactive thyroid gland, your thyroid gland does not produce adequate thyroid hormones due to that it fails to meet the requirements of the body. Women are at a higher risk than men to suffer from Hypothyroidism. Let’s look at some of the symptoms now:

  • Weight gain

  • Menorrhagia or heavy menstrual bleeding

  • Constipation

  • Depression

  • Dry skin

  • Stiff and aching muscles

  • High blood cholesterol

  • Mood swings

  • Fatigue

  • Loss of hair

  • Weakness

  • Sensitivity to cold

  • Swollen face

Hypothyroidism can be regulated by taking oral supplements for the thyroid hormone. Even injections can be prescribed for treating severe hypoactive thyroid gland.


Hyperthyroidism or Hyperactive thyroid gland is a result of excessive levels of the hormone, thyroxine. People with high iodine levels in the body can also suffer from hyperthyroidism. The signs and symptoms include:

  • Mood swings

  • Increased appetite

  • Nausea and vomiting

  • Palpitations

  • Nervousness

  • Weakness

  • Heat intolerance

  • Frequent bowel movements

  • Swollen thyroid (goitre)

  • Sudden weight loss

  • Shaky hands

  • Insomnia

  • Changes in the menstrual cycle

  • Excessive sweating.

The treatment for Hyperthyroidism includes anti-thyroid medications, radioactive iodine, beta-blockers and even thyroidectomy (partial or complete surgical removal of the thyroid gland).

You can avoid thyroid diseases by following these tips:

1. Avoid Smoking.

2. Do not overindulge in fasting or follow a starvation diet.

3. Stay away from harmful radiations from X-Rays, MRI etc.

4. Visit a medical professional regularly for screening your thyroid.

You can always come to ILS Hospitals in Kolkata or Agartala to consult an experienced endocrinologist.

Do You Want To Stay Healthy During Seasonal Changes? Read This Blog.

Winter season is knocking on our doors with full swing. Time to relish on hot beverages and hot dishes. We eagerly wait for winters to arrive so that we can get a respite from unpleasant, sweaty and humid temperatures. But we tend to ignore that winter is accompanied by obnoxious colds and cough, even fever. This happens due to change of season and the fact that our immune system slows down in low temperatures.
Here, we, at ILS Hospitals, one of the best hospitals in Kolkata, presents you with some suggestions on how to stay healthy during this winter season. So, let’s take a thorough look at these suggestions.

1. Practice good hygiene:

We try to avoid water during winters and discount the importance of hygiene. Bad hygiene habits are one of the main reasons for flu and common colds. Some essential good hygiene habits that you should religiously follow even during the flu season are shown below:
– Properly wash your hands before and after eating and after using the restroom
– Bath regularly with warm water
– Wear clean clothes and woollens
– Brush and floss your teeth daily
– Keep your surroundings clean
– Wash your hair frequently.

2. Eat seasonal food:

There’s a reason why we have certain fruits and vegetables only available during winters. Even Ayurveda believes in following a “ritucharya” diet which means eating according to season. Eating seasonal food has many advantages on your body including strengthening immunity. You should consume seasonal fruits and vegetables like the following:
– Oranges
– Mustard greens
– Spinach
– Beets and Carrots
– Peas
– Dates
– Strawberries
– Cauliflower
– Cabbages.

3. Make the sun your best friend:

Winter sun is the best because it does not have a burning effect on our skin, although winter sun still radiates harmful UVA and UVB rays so always apply sunscreen before your winter sunbathing sessions. Also, keep your mattresses, blankets and pillows under the sun to make them germ-free. Allow your rooms the warmth of sunlight to get rid of viruses and microbes and make them well-lighted. Also, Vitamin D is crucial for a good immune system which you can get from sunlight, so do not shy away from the winter sun.

4. Dress warm:

Wear proper winter clothes that keep you warm throughout the day. Always cover your ears with earmuffs, your feet with woollen socks, your head with a woollen cap or beanie and neck with a cosy muffler whenever you go outside.

We hope you follow these above-mentioned suggestions during winter months. Winters can be really enjoyable if you take good care of your health. If you experience any health-related problems, come to ILS Hospitals, one of the best hospitals in Kolkata to get a professional medical consultation.

8 Tips To Stay Healthy During The Festival Season

It is the festive season, the month we all wait for every year. This is the time when we get to enjoy the most with our family and friends. But if during this time anyone gets sick, then all plans are bound to go down the drain. So, ILS Hospitals in Kolkata is going to give you tips on how to stay healthy and disease-free during this time.

  1. Over the last few years, the rain has been an ever-present factor in the festival season especially before diwali, which also makes it easy for diseases like malaria and dengue to fester. So use mosquito repellent when going out and a net when going to sleep.

  2. Viral infections like cough, cold, and fever are also very common during this season. Don’t drink cold water or cold drinks after coming from outside. Try to avoid them as much as possible, even at home. This will prevent you from getting infected with a cold infection. Especially at late night, the temperature falls and the chances of getting a cold increase. So try to avoid cold drinks, ice-creams etc. at night.

  3. While going out during the day, make sure to carry an umbrella, sunglass and sunscreen with you at all times, or you may get sun-burned badly.

  4. When burning crackers during Diwali, take extra precautions against any accidental burning. Be careful about smoke and loud noises specially for the children and aged individuals.

  5. Eating out during the festive season is very common and half the enjoyment is in that only. So as we cannot completely avoid eating out but rather can eat wisely. Most roadside stalls are not much healthy, so choose wisely from where you are eating. If possible, carry water from home before going out.

  6. It’s also a holiday time and we like to go out more as well. Going out every day during the festive season can make one tiresome, drenched out of energy and make feel thirsty. If possible carry lemonade or ORS with you. This would help to restore the electrolyte imbalance of the body.

  7. If you are going out at night then make sure that you get enough sleep during the day as good sleep is important for the body. Also, staying awake at night is not good for small children and the aged individuals. So, make sure that they get their proper sleep.

  1. Try to avoid the crowd if you are an asthma patient or this may aggravate your problems and may sustain attacks of asthma. Diabetes patients should continue their diabetes treatment as usual during this time and limit eating sweets as well, especially when it can be tempting once you get so many sweet boxes from your neighbors on Diwali.

Follow these tips to stay healthy and have a great Diwali and a festive season ahead.