Food Habits To Be Followed Post Angioplasty

Your diet after angioplasty needs to be paid extra attention for quick recovery. If you have an angioplasty, you need to make certain changes to your diet and lifestyle.

(Get cardiac emergency care from the best medical emergency centre in Kolkata)

Today, ILS Hospitals, one of the best hospitals in Kolkata and Agartala will tell you what you can and cannot consume after an angioplasty procedure.


Lots of fruits and vegetables 

Now is the perfect time to consume plenty of fruits and vegetables to recover faster. Eat fruit and vegetable salads or preferably boiled and mashed fruits and vegetables after angioplasty to get the ultimate nutrition.

Healthy fluids

Ensure that you drink healthy fluids throughout the day. Apart from plain water, you can drink healthy vegetable and chicken soups, fruits and vegetable juices, and coconut water to receive sufficient hydration.

Whole grains

Consume whole grains, like brown rice, oats, buckwheat, quinoa, barley, and so on.

Lean meat

Instead of red meat, opt for leaner options of meat, like fish, chicken, turkey, etc.

Legumes and lentils 

Make sure that your diet post angioplasty contains vital legumes, such as chickpeas, kidney beans, black-eyed peas, soybeans, and lentils.

Nuts and seeds 

You should not forget the importance of wholesome nuts and seeds after angioplasty. Eat soaked and peeled almonds, cashews, peanuts, pecans to get the goodness of nuts. Do consume seeds of sunflower, pumpkin, and sesame if possible.


Sugary foods

Avoid sugar and sugary foods, that includes sweets, desserts, and chocolates. If avoiding is not entirely possible then try to reduce its intake.

Fried and fatty foods

Fried and fatty foods need to be strictly avoided post stent procedure. Tell the one who is preparing your food to use less oil in your meals.

Spicy foods

Avoid excessive spices and chillies in your meals as consuming such things can interfere with your medications and hence recovery.

Alcoholic beverages

Alcohol or alcoholic beverages must not be consumed after angioplasty.

For a speedy recovery post angioplasty, follow the above-mentioned things, take plenty of rest, have your medicines on time, and follow up with your cardiologist. If you are searching for a hospital in Kolkata and Agartala for your angioplasty procedure, consider the name of ILS Hospitals. Our hospital units in Kolkata and Agartala are well-equipped with the latest technology, facilities, and expert medical professionals who will guide you throughout the procedure.

Angioplasty in Nutshell – What it is and Where Should you Avail it?

The heart is a muscular organ that acts as a pumping device for the circulation of blood in the body, along with the other elements of the circulatory system. Many times, some complications lead to a cardiac emergency and a timely action of good hospitals can deal with it effectively. To avoid such mishaps, it is always recommended to seek routine consultations, screenings, and treatment from a descent cardiologist, from time to time.

Let’s understand about a very special cardiological procedure, the angioplasty, in details.

What Is Angioplasty?

Angioplasty is a non-invasive procedure, used to unclog the blocked or narrowed blood vessels and ensure the blood flow in the circulatory system stays effective.

Why And When Angioplasty Is Needed?

At first, let’s understand the working function of the heart in a nutshell. The coronary arteries pump oxygenated blood first to the heart and then throughout the body, while the veins collect the deoxygenated blood back to the heart and then to the lungs. It seems like a pretty simple procedure, but the double-circulation system is quite complex in structure.

Because of high cholesterol and other medical conditions, prolonged plaque built up, which in turn narrows or blocks the blood vessels entirely. As a result, the heart either gets the blood supply at a much slower rate or none at all. If left untreated, the plaque built up hardens and can lead to cardiac cell damage, triggering a heart attack. A timely Angioplasty is required to unclog the blocked blood vessels and to restore the heart’s function.

How Is Angioplasty Carried Out?


Angioplasty is a non-invasive procedure, but a clear explanation is required to understand it correctly. The angioplasty uses a thin, tube-like structure to unclog the plaque build up in the blood vessels. The procedure is minutely surgical in nature, as the probe is inserted like a needle, through a suitable blood vessel (wrist or leg). It is then moved gradually towards the clogged blood vessel and with little force, the blood vessels are cleared.

Even though it involves piercing the needles, it is rightly referred to as non-invasive, as it involves no piercing of the blood vessel of the heart directly.

Where Should You Consider Getting An Angioplasty?

Angioplasty required specialized skills and advanced medical technology to be safe and effective. It can only be done in hospitals or diagnostic center that offers catheterization laboratory (cath labs) facility. At ILS Hospitals, we offer advanced cath labs along with other diagnostics services. For more information, get in touch with