5 Reasons to Address Your Hypertension For Good

The number of patients seeking treatment and care of cardiologist due to acute cardiac emergencies is increasing day by day.

Hypertension is a very prevalent precondition for most heart illnesses. Hypertension is the condition in which the blood pressure of the individual stays elevated for a prolonged period of time. The excessive pressure build-up can cause damage to the walls of the blood vessels as well on the organ.

Normal blood pressure ranges between 120/80 mmHg to 140/90 mmHg. A blood pressure exceeding this limit is considered as high blood pressure.

As we celebrate World Hypertension Day this 17th May 2018, we, on behalf of ILS Hospitals presents the major complications that arise due to unresolved hypertension, over a period of time.

1. Stroke and haemorrhage

Prolonged pressure can lead to thickening of arteries of the body. The ones reaching the brain are most crucial and thereby, bursting of these particular arteries leads to stroke and haemorrhage. It can occur in patients suffering from long time hypertension, but the ones with an age more than 65 are at highest risk.

2. Heart attack and heart failure

The same thing happens to the heart as well, in case the connective arteries get rusted. It leads to heart attack. Also, thickened blood vessels make it hard for the heart to pump blood effectively, in such cases, heart failure may occurs.

3. Eye damage and vision loss

The arteries reaching the eyes play a crucial role in our overall vision accuracy and range. Due to hypertension, one can face conditions like vision loss and hypertensive retinopathy.

4. Metabolic disorders

Prolonged hypertension can also lead to several problems associated with the overall metabolism. This includes an increase in waistline, high cholesterol, diabetes, kidney problems etc.

5. Psychological complications

Though it is more prevalent in aging patients, untreated hypertension has also been found to interfere with common abilities like learning, recollecting and having a decent presence of mind.

In a nutshell, a prolonged, unresolved hypertension can lead to coronary heart diseases, heart failure, renal complications, stroke etc. Having an elevated blood pressure is not life-threatening if it is for a small time being. However, its treatment is crucial. Thus, it is always advisable to keep track on the blood pressure from time to time and seek timely treatment in case, it deviates too much from ideal range.